Uzbekistan - a treasure house of architectural monuments, the point of the oldest cities, one of the centers of the legendary Silk Road. Here you can see ancient East - in Samarkand, Bukhara or Khiva which are listed in world heritage list of UNESCO.
Turquoise domed madrasahs, mausoleums, caravan-sarais and monuments of these museum cities are indeed masterpieces of medieval eastern architecture. Buddhist temples and monasteries of Termez or Zoroastrian shrines of Khorezm witnesses of presence of different cultures.
You can taste the real Uzbek pilaf, cooked according to recipe, which ages over thousand years. Hotels here are not exorbitant money, and dinner in a restaurant will not ruin even the most budget tourist.
There are many direct and connection flights from most metropolitans of world such as London, Paris, Rome, New York, Istanbul and etc.
Once being here you will fall in love and be amazed with the rich history, architecture, traditions and hospitality of Uzbeks.
Uzbekistan being Central Asia’s cradle of culture for more than 2 millennium, today can proud with majestic arsenal of Islamic architectural gems.
Being located on the crossroads of Silk Road Routes this region flourished and therefore was always on target of many invaders during different periods. It was invaded by Alexander the Great, Iranian Kings, Genghis Khan, Arabs and then
by Russians.
During medieval and later till independence travel in Uzbekistan or Central Asia was not as accessible as today. Tourism in Uzbekistan is developing year by year and its huge potential yet unused because it has lots of tourist attractions to offer but not all of them are included in most of tours offered today.
The infrastructure of tourism industry is getting better and better year by year. During last 26 years the quality of travel services in Uzbekistan has significantly increased. Quality hotels, professional guides, modern transports, comfortable trains and well arranged holidays making Uzbekistan ideal place to travel.
The nature of Uzbekistan is quite diverse and nowadays you can travel Uzbekistan not only for cultural and heritage tours but you can enjoy heliski in winter,adventure tours,
eco holidays like tulip watching, trekking and etc. You can combine these kinds of tours with cultural tours by visiting
Samarkand and Bukhara.
Uzbekistan travel: Uzbekistan is one of the safest places to travel. The crime rate is very low and the people are very friendly and hospitable. Bukhara was assigned as the safest city by World Tourism Organization in 2008.
By Dilshod Eshmurodov