

Citizens of most countries do not need visa but citizens of some countries need a tourist visa in order to visit Kyrgyzstan.

Non visa regime(Updated on 3.08.2012)

The president of Kyrgyzstan signed a new law and according to this law nationals of most Western countries and countries with developed economy can visit country without a tourist visa up to 60 days.   The aim of this law is to simplify the process of getting into Kyrgyzstan and increase its popularity in tourism industry.

Here below you can see full list of the countries, national’s of which could travel without tourist visa to Kyrgyzstan.

 1. Australia, 2. Republic of Austria, 3. Kingdom of Belgium, 4. Bosnia and Herzegovina, 5. Vatican, 6. U.K. 7. Hungary, 8. Federal Republic of Germany, 9. Kingdom of the Netherlands, 10. The Hellenic Republic, 11. Kingdom of Denmark, 12. Iceland, 13. Kingdom of Ireland, 14. Kingdom of Spain, 15. The Italian Republic, 16. Canada, 17. Republic of Korea, 18. The State of Kuwait, 19. The Republic of Latvia, 20. The Republic of Lithuania, 21. Liechtenstein, 22. Luxembourg, 23. Republic of Malta, 24. Monaco, 25. New Zealand, 26. Kingdom of Norway, 27. United Arab Emirates, 28. The Republic of Poland, 29. Portugal, 30. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 31. The Republic of Singapore, 32. The Slovak Republic, 33. The Republic of Slovenia, 34. United States of America, 35. Republic of Finland, 36. The French Republic, 37. The Republic of Croatia, 38. The Czech Republic, 39. The Swiss Confederation, 40. Kingdom of Sweden, 41. The Republic of Estonia, 42. The State of Qatar, 43. State of Brunei Darussalam, 44. Kingdom of Bahrain

I need LOI to Kurgyzstan

If you need LOI to Kyrgyzstan we are happy to help you with that. We need following documents and information to get your LOI ready.

-          Valid passport copy

-          Planned period of visit. Date of arrival and departure.

-          Flight details if you are set to get your visa upon arrival to Bishkek airport

Police registration

Police registration was abolished in 2005 for the citizens of following countries: Australia ,Austrian, Belgium ,United Kingdom ,Germany ,Greece ,Denmark ,Israel ,Ireland , Iceland , Spain, Italy ,Canada , Cyprus , Korea , Liechtenstein , Luxembourg , Malta , Monaco, The Netherlands , Norway , New Zealand, Portugal ,United States of America ,Finland , France ,Switzerland and Sweden.

If you are travelling to China via Kyrgyzstan by land then you might be required special permit. Ask about this OVIR.

Travel to Kyrgyzstan with Kazakh visa

According to agreement of mutual recognition of visas between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan ratified in 2008 tourists holding double entry visa to Kazakhstan may visit Kyrgyzstan’s Issyk Kul, Chuy and Talas regions and with Kyrgyzstan tourist visa you can visit Kazakhstan’s Almaty and Djambyl regions.

 Please note that duration of your visa to Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan must be valid until you leave Kyrgyzstan/Kazakhstan. Our tourists have already travelled Kyrgyzstan without visa to Kyrgyzstan but with double entry visas to Kazakhstan. The same experience is gained regarding to visit Kazakhstan with Kyrgyzstan visa. We should inform that at the beginning several customs officers were not informed about this agreement or pretended not to know.