

Foreign nationals can import unlimited amount of currency into Kazakhstan.

 Amount of money equivalent up to $3000 do not need to be declared. If amount of currency exceeds equivalent of $3000 then it should be declared. This rule applies while importing and exporting.

You can take away up to 10.000 USD from Kazakhstan without submitting extra documents except declaration. But when amount exceeds 10.000 USD then you should provide additional documentary proving legitimacy of origin of the amount. In case you imported more than 10.000 USD then your declaration issued upon arrival may serve as proving documentary.

Duty-free import of 50 packs of cigarettes or 1000g of tobacco and 2 liters of alcoholic beverages is allowed. The import of arms and ammunition, narcotics and narcotic drugs, literature, photography and video production, contrary to Islam or to undermine and discredit the government authorities. It is not allowed to export gold, precious stones and rare minerals, and rare species of animals and birds.