


Astana is the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan since December 10, 1997. The city's population as of January 1, 2011, amounted to 697 257 inhabitants . The city is the second in the country by population after the Almaty. 
Former name of the city was Akmolinsk (from 1830 to 1961), Tselinograd - from 1961 to 1992, Akmola - from 1992 to 1998.  
In 1992 - the city was renamed Astana. The word "Akmola" in Kazakh language means "white grave" or "White Shrine." This is because about 20 kilometers from the town of the same name the tract, on top of white limestone hill which has a local grave beating. 
May 6, 1998 Decree of the President of Kazakhstan, "considering the request of local executive and representative bodies, the wishes of the public city Akmola and a conclusion by the State onomastic commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan," the city of Akmola was renamed Astana. 
Akmola officially was declared the capital of Kazakhstan, December 10, 1997. International representation of Akmola as the new capital was on 10 June 1998, but the day of the capital Astana was moved to on July 6, on the day of the birth of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Nursultan Nazarbayev. Capital Day is a public holiday. At present, Astana - is fairly large city, an area of ​​700 square meters. km. 
After gaining capital status and organization of a special economic zone "Astana - new city" in the city realized a lot of modern architecture and urban planning projects. The population increased from 270 thousand in 1996 to 600 thousand in 2006. 
In 1999, Astana by UNESCO awarded the title "city of peace." Despite the capital status, the city is still largely inferior to the infrastructural capabilities of the former capital of Kazakhstan - Almaty, which kept the capital's mentality and the city is an unofficially called "southern capital".

Sights of Astana

The main idea of ​​construction of Astana is embodiment of the architecture the combination of rationality of the West and sophistication of the East, the grandeur of Europe and Asian originality. In the construction of the city to change its image the most advanced technologies and innovative methods of urban art of the 21st century were used. Internationally renowned architects embodied in the reality of their best projects. This was the springboard for the left bank of the Yesil River, which until recently was empty. On a completely uninhabited area  began construction of magnificent buildings of the new capital. 

Bayterek is a tourist attraction and here you can meet many tourists and locals as well.  Bayterek is a symbol of Astana and it epitomizes its being selected as a capital city. Bayterek can be used as observation tower as well. 105 meters high skyscraper crowned with a gold sphere(egg) with a diameter of 22 meters.

Unique design is ebmodiment of folktale of a life tree and a bird of happiness.  The sacred bird Samruk flies with huge wings covering the sky. It tends to Baiterek, the tree of life, to lay a golden egg - the Sun, giving life and hope. And below, at the roots, hungry dragon Aydahar is waiting its time calling night to shift day, winter to replace summer. So is the eternal struggle between good and evil. 

Observation deck is nestled in 97 meters hish in golden sphere. Why 97 meters high not 100? Because it symbolizes the year 1997 when Astana was entitled the status of capital of country.  Observation platform contains large aquarium and  an art gallery.

Palace of Peace and Reconciliation

The international organization UNESCO awarded Astana the title of "City of Peace". In 2001 Pope John Paul II visited Astana, thereby assessing the contribution of Kazakhstan to the decision of religious issues. Especially for the "Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions," was built Palace of Peace and Accord - a unique pyramid-shaped building. Pyramid rightfully recognized as a center of religious studies and religious tolerance. Hall "Cheops Atrium" fascinating and noble white marble. In the pyramid there is a concert and opera hall, equipped with the latest equipment. 

The building was built in 2006 and it was designed by British architects. For the construction of the pyramid 58 mln. was spent.

The Pyramid was specially constructed to host the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. A 1,500-seat opera house is built into the lower levels, with auditorium and performance equipment design by Anne Minors Performance Consultants and acoustics by Sound Space Design.

Duman Entertainment Center

The Entertainment Centre “Duman” began its activity in May, 2003, and nowadays it presents a unique complex of entertainments which consists of an Oceanarium with tropic fish, 5D Motion Theatre, video arcade, bowling, night club, hotel, cafes and restaurants. 

Kabanbai Batyr Ave. 4, Astana, 010000
tel.: +7 7172 24 22 22, 24 24 85
fax: +7 7172 24 24 90

web: www.duman.kz 


Atameken Ethno-Memorial Complex


Atameken Ethno-Memorial Complex was opened on September 8, 2001 by the initiative of the president of Kazakhstan. Ethno-memorial complex covers an area of ​​1.7 hectares. On the map there are 14 provinces and two cities of Astana and Almaty.

Cognitive Ethno-Memorial Complex "Map of Kazakhstan" Atameken " will acquaint you with the history of the state, the culture of the peoples inhabiting in Kazakhstan.  Interesting part of the map of Kazakhstan "Atameken" is decorative - formalized model of the Caspian Sea. 

  Traveling along the paths of maps that correspond to the main roads and railways of the country, will explore the most important sights of Kazakhstan.


Kabanbai Batyr 
Molodezhni Microdistrict Astana 

221 636