


Citizens of Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Costa Rica, Chile, The European Union, Iceland, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City and CIS nations (except Russia and Turkmenistan-visa on arrival) do not need visa to visit Georgia for up to 360 days.


If you’re not from one of the above countries, you can get a visa from a Georgian embassy or consulate.

Visas are also issued at the official road and air (but not rail or sea) entry points into Georgia.

The standard fee for a 90-day, single-entry ‘ordinary’ visa, which covers tourism, is 60 GEL or its equivalent. Double-entry 90-day visas (only available at consulates) are 90 GEL.

Visa-issuing procedures are pretty straightforward and can normally be completed in a matter of minutes at entry points to Georgia, although consulates require a few days for processing. Border crossings

Georgia’s international entry and exit points are as follows. Visas, for those who need them, are available at the road and air entry points only.

Batumi International airport (visas available) and Black Sea port (visas not available).

Böyük Kəsik Rail border with Azerbaijan – visas not available here.

Guguti/Tashir Road border with Armenia.

Krasny Most (Red Bridge, Tsiteli Khidi, Qırmızı Körpü) Road border with Azerbaijan.

Ninotsminda/Bavra Road border with Armenia.

Poti Black Sea port – visas not available here.

Sadakhlo/Bagratashen Road and rail border with Armenia – visas available for road travellers only.

Sarpi/Sarp Road border with Turkey.

Tbilisi International airport.

Tsodna (Postbina) Road border with Azerbaijan, between Lagodekhi and Balakən.

Vale/Posof Road border with Turkey, reached via Akhaltsikhe.


The border with Russia at Zemo Larsi/Chertov Most, north of Kazbegi, was only open to Georgians and Russians for several years until 2006, when Russia closed it (‘temporarily’) to everybody. However, there is an open border crossing point with Russia at Verkhniy Lars (Верхний Ларс). It doesn't issue visa.

The crossings from Russia into South Ossetia (the Roki Tunnel) and Abkhazia (Psou River between Gantiadi and Adler) are considered illegal by Georgia. Some travellers who continued on into Georgia after entering South Ossetia or Abkhazia from Russia have been fined or jailed. Others have got away without problems.